Piloting of The National Information System for Social Assistance (NISSA) Updating Methodology
Piloting of The National Information System for Social Assistance (NISSA) Updating Methodology
The Ministry of Social Development mark yet another journey of piloting of National Information System for Social Assistance (NISSA) updating Methodology, it has been ten years since the establishment of NISSA. NISSA was instituted in 2010 through tripartite collaboration of the Ministry of Social Development, European Union and UNICEF where it was piloted as a targeting tool for Child Grants Programme. NISSA viewed as a single national registry for all social protection programmes and as an integrated system for targeting
Since its inception, NISSA has achieved national coverage with over 50,000 households with children benefiting from Child Grants Programmes. Today NISSA data collection has been completed in 64 rural councils (330,000 households) and 12 urban councils (157,000 households)
Ministry of Social Development together with UNICEF have a meeting today regarding the NISSA updates. The objective of the workshop is to kick start the piloting of Decentralized National Information System for Social Assistance (NISSA) Updating Methodology to ensure that the Ministry and partners have access to fresh/new data for targeting, coordination and integration of social protection programmes even during shocks
We have seen the clear evidence where NISSA was used for targeting, however; NISSA data should be updated on regular basis for harmonized targeting, coordination and integration of social protection programmes including its role in Shock Responsive Social Protection
The objective of the meeting:
• To kick start implementation of sustainable methodology for Continuous NISSA updates that builds internal capacity of MOSD at decentral levels for accurate data for targeting, coordination and integration of Social Assistance programs
• To ensure that key decision on capacity development on issues such as budget, human resources, information systems and roles and responsibilities at all levels are made for operationalisation of NISSA Updating methodology